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STEM Learning Teaching Awards 2022!

Dr Ram Ramanan representing for Shooters Hill Sixth Form College awarded as WINNER!

High quality teaching is key to develop the next generation of STEM professionals and STEM Learning organisation is keen to recognise the educators that go above and beyond to support students pursuing STEM subjects. CPD is an important part of this development and teachers who have undertaken CPD at the National STEM Learning Centre in York, through the STEM network of Science Learning Partnerships, were all eligible to apply for these awards. 

Awards categories 2022

Excellence in STEM teaching – Primary (supported by Primary Science Teaching Trust)
This award is for primary teachers who have shown sustained impact around STEM teaching and learning.

Excellence in STEM Teaching– Secondary
Recognises teachers who have developed aspects of STEM education within their secondary schools.

Excellence in STEM Teaching – Post 16
This award is for teachers and further education lecturers who have developed STEM subject teaching in their organisation.

Excellence in STEM support – technicians and support staff 
Technicians and support staff are vital to effective STEM education and this award recognises and values those who contribute at the highest level.

Excellence in School and College Leadership in STEM
This award is for middle and senior leaders who have effectively championed aspects of STEM in their school or college.

ENTHUSE Partnership of the Year
ENTHUSE Partnerships are a unique local collaboration of schools developing their STEM subject teaching and learning, and this award recognises the high impact of these alliances.

Outstanding Contribution to Diversity and Inclusion (supported by bp)
This award is for teachers and leaders who have raised levels of science capital amongst their students, increasing the ability of previously under-served groups to access STEM careers.

Dr Ram Ramanan was put forward and supported by Ms Jacqueline Takpimivbiomo and was awarded winner in the Excellence in STEM Teaching - Post-16 category. 

Students had much to say to congratulate their teacher and were very proud of his award, as they felt this represented him very well and all the achievements they accumulated were down to his hard efforts with the students. 

Congratulations DR Ram Ramanan!