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Examinations Summer 2023 Information

Dear Parent/Carer

Re: Examinations Summer 2023

Beginning this week, public examinations are taking place for our students. I am writing to you to ask for your support in ensuring that your child is fully prepared for these examinations.


Here is some information that you may find useful:


  • All morning examinations are scheduled to begin at 9.00 a.m., all afternoon exams are scheduled to begin at 1.00 p.m.
  • Students should ensure that they arrive early for their exams to ensure they are ready for the exam start time.
  • Both students and you will receive a text message 48 hours and 12 hours before every examination notifying you of the time, room, and seat number for the exam.
  • Please note that failure to turn up for a public examination without a reasonable explanation (e.g., a doctor’s letter) could lead to you being charged for the examination entry fee.
  • As these are the final examinations of the college year, failure to turn for an examination will also mean that students do not have the opportunity to resit and could lead to failing their course.
  • If a student has a clash on their examination timetable, the college will make arrangements to ensure they are supervised and able to sit both examinations.
  • Students should speak to their teachers so that they are aware of any materials that they need to bring with them to the examination.
  • If a student is experiencing anxiety or concerns about their examinations, they should report to Student Services in room D301 where one of our Welfare Officers will be able to offer support.


We recognise that for many students, taking public examinations can be a stressful or worrying experience. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support in ensuring our students have the best opportunity to showcase their abilities and achieve the best outcomes in the upcoming examinations.

Yours sincerely,


Alex Rolfe

Assistant Principal